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- *Cotton Candy Machine …………………$95.00
- **Deluxe Cart Popcorn Machine …….$125.00
- **Tabletop popcorn machine ………….$75.00
- *Snokone Machine …………………………..$75.00
- The above items are only the equipment,
- no supplies included
- ** Cleaning charge
- Corn hole (2) w/game bags………………$40.00
- Table top chessboard (12″ w/board ).$40.00
- Jumbo Connect 4 ………………………………$40.00
- (Ring toss, basket ball hoop)
- Horse shoes …………………………………….$20.00
- Bingo game ……………………………………..$35.00
- Black Jack setup ………………………………$65.00
- Roulette table ………………………………….$60.00
- Prize Wheel ……………………………………..$55.00
- Large Jenga ……………………………………$20.00
- Battle mini golf……………………………….$20.00
- Deluxe PA System (2 speaker, amp, one mic) ……….$125.00
- All in one PA Single Speaker ……………………………………$75.00
- Carvin Professional Wireless Mic……………………………$85.00
- Carvin Wireless head set………………………………………….$85.00
- Mega phone (battery)……………………………………………….$30.00
Snokone Machine